Rummy is a classic card game that is recognized as a game of skill where players have to outline brilliant strategies to win a game. Due to technological advancement, nowadays players get so many advantages in their favorite games. As a Rummy enthusiast, you must hear about the drop option in online Rummy games. We understand the meaning of drop is just giving up or accepting the loss. But according to the experts’ suggestion, drop can also be a very wise and intelligent decision, that can save a player from a massive defeat. Drop is basically a very essential and effective part of brilliant gaming strategy in online Rummy games.
What is the drop option in the Online Rummy Game?
Although Rummy, one of the most popular traditional card games, is a game of skill, there is the existence of good hands and bad hands in this game. Sometimes players feel stuck by their opponents’ strategy while playing the Rummy game, then to prevent the loss with a higher score, players decide to stop playing the gameplay by dropping the given cards.
There are mainly two drop options in online Rummy for online gaming enthusiasts respectively:
- First Drop
Whether a player wants to leave the game at the very first moment without making a single move, after dropping the hand, the player will get 20 points as a penalty at the end of the game. This drop opportunity is applicable for all 3 variants except 2 Deals Rummy of the online Rummy game on the Hukum Ka Ikka application.
- Middle Drop
After making at least one move, if a player chooses the drop option, the player will get 40 points as a penalty. But in the rule of 2 Deals Rummy, there are exceptions. To know more details about it, you can check out the official website of Hukum Ka Ikka.
Reasons behind choosing the drop option in Online Rummy
- Unable to make a pure sequence
All of the players wish to get at least one joker while playing Rummy. But after getting more than a joker, a player still can lose the game due to being unable to form pure sequences. Because according to the Rummy rules, players have to form at least two sequences, from which one must be pure.
- Having higher-value cards
When a player fails to form sequences but still has high-value cards like A, K, Q, J, and 10. Then there is no option in front of the player instead of dropping instantly to prevent losing with high points.
- Not having a single joker
Players usually call that bad hand when they don’t get a single joker. With high-value face cards, it is not so easy to form sequences and win gameplay without a joker card. Then players choose the obvious option drop to be saved from the defeat of high points.
Read More: How to make effective use of Kings and Queens in the card game Rummy?
Importance of the drop option in the Rummy Online Game
- First of all, this option of the online Rummy app supports players to prevent defeat with high points
- In accordance with playing a real cash Rummy game, the dropping option can save a player from a massive loss of money.
After having a glance at the hand, players have to calculate and make strategies. After calculating, players have to choose the option to drop or not. In that situation, players get only two options: continue playing by taking a risk with a bad hand or escaping from high-score defeat by dropping the cards.